I wanted to start my blog with a post about my all time favorite movie, Brian De Palma's 1976 horror classic, Carrie. There isn't a single second of this movie that I don't love. To me, this movie is 100% perfect. Casting, direction, script, the original story, perfect. Carrie '76 is so dark, so raw, and so disturbing. Neither of the remakes have come close to recapturing the atmosphere and the FEELING of this one. One of the many reasons I love this movie so much is that I relate to it so well. I have thought often that I could very well have been the Carrie of my class, being bullied from a very young age for not looking and acting like everyone else. Being the quiet, sensitive girl surrounded by people determined to give me hell for it. From the moment the movie opens we see her get berated and bullied by her classmates. Getting whacked in the head and sworn at for missing the ball in a volley ball game. She's a misunderstood outcast in school and abused by her fanatical mother (a superb Piper Laurie) at home. Starting her period in the showers at school and thinking she is truly going to die and then getting viciously taunted and humiliated by her classmates simply cause she's been unfairly sheltered. This particular scene is so pivotal as it is the moment that sets off the chain of events leading to Carrie's full discovery of her powers and the cruel prom night prank that unfortunately turns deadly. I always feel a rush of emotions when watching this film which is why I pretty much always watch it alone.

Sissy Spacek is outstanding as Carrie White. Her performance is so real and riveting that you truly believe these things are happening to her. You truly believe she has these powers. I've often wished I had the power of telekinesis because of this film. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone with them like what unfortunately happened here... but to scare people with them, make people leave me alone...I think anyone who's been seriously bullied can relate to that feeling.

The cinematography is stunning. Brian De Palma is a master and the prom sequence is legendary for a reason. I LOVE the slow build-up as Carrie and Tommy Ross take the stairs up to the stage. You know what's going to happen but that build-up just ups the tension and you can't help but sit at the edge of your seat, eyes glued to the screen, as the scene unfolds. Once the blood spills onto Carrie and her fury is unleashed through her powers the split screens take over. I love the use of the split screen. Watching Sissy Spacek's face and actions while watching the prom goers at the same time is chilling.

The ending has it's own special place in horror history. Carrie's hand reaching out and grabbing Sue (Amy Irving) by the wrist as she's laying flowers on Carrie's grave is considered one of horror's greatest conclusions. The makers of Friday the 13th took inspiration from Carrie for the surprise ending to their film just 4 years later. It pretty much invented that one last jump scare ending that has become so popular in horror.

While on the subject of Carrie...I have always been disappointed in the first remake, the 2002 made for tv version starring Angela Bettis. I do like the theatrical remake from 2013 starring Chloe Grace Moretz. I'm a fan of Moretz as an actress and I was happy to hear she was taking on the role. I saw this in the theater and walked out happy. I know a lot have had mixed feelings on it but I truly enjoyed it.
One more thing to love about the original is that magnificent score from Pino Donaggio. I'd love to own a copy of the hard to find soundtrack someday.
Next year marks the 40th anniversary of the release of the film. I'm hoping for some kind of special edition blu-ray perhaps. There is a book being worked on at the moment called "Blood Among The Stars: The Making of Carrie" which sounds marvelous. I am keeping an eye out for any updates and if we can get this book by the end of next year to celebrate the anniversary I will be so stoked.
I look forward to posting more about this film in the future. I hope that any of you that have not seen the film will maybe want to check it out. If you're a fan like me, leave me some comments. I love talking to fellow Carrie fans. Thank you so much for reading! xoxo, Spooky Steph
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