Hi everybody. I know it's been a long time since my last post, over a year and a half in fact, hard to believe. It's true what they say though, time flies when you're having fun. Some big changes have been happening in my life, great changes, but unfortunately they have taken me away from my writing somewhat. I'm going to make a conscious effort to get back into posting here regularly again, I've really missed it, and I think about it a lot. I never intended to abandon my blog, life just ended up pulling me away from it for a while, and these things happen sometimes. But... I've got some ideas for upcoming posts and I'm hoping any regulars I may have had will return. I wanted to get this out there while I have a little time. It's the perfect time, actually. October is here. Halloween is on it's way. I love this time of year. Coming up I've got profiles on both Dee Wallace and her daughter, Gabrielle Stone, I also want to share photos from last year's living dead weekend where I got to meet (and got pics with!!) Tom Savini! So, that and more will be coming up shortly. Thanks to anyone reading this, I appreciate, as always, any views I get. xoxo, Spooky Stephie
Scream, Spooky Stephie!!
Life long horror fan. I'd love to be a writer. I'll be posting about horror and working on my writing skills at the same time. If you love horror, grab some popcorn and join me.
Friday, October 6, 2017
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Women in Horror Month: Spooky Stephie's Choice #4 of 4
Spooky Stephie's Choice #4 of 4
Dee Wallace
Donna Trenton in Cujo
Here we are! Now in our final week of Women in Horror Month! It's gone by so fast!! I've enjoyed participating and want to thank Bonnie Smith again for bringing us all together and letting me participate too!! I can't wait to do this again. It's been a blast! My first three choices were all from the slasher genre...Danielle Harris in Halloween 4 and Halloween 5, Jill Schoelen in The Stepfather, and Catherine Hicks in Child's Play. This choice is the only one to not come from a slasher film but it is based on a Stephen King book. King is my favorite author and my favorite film is also based on one of his books, 1976's Carrie! So, last but not least, here is my final choice for this year's Women in Horror Month: Dee Wallace as Donna in "Cujo".
I love dogs, I always have. I remember my first time watching this movie and how frightening it was. The idea that your sweet dog could be turned so quickly into a rabid and unrecognizable monster is terrifying and quite sad really. The thought of them turning on you and not seeing you as the human they love anymore...just wanting to destroy you is an awful thought in itself. Stephen King took that idea and turned into a terrific novel. There seem to be mixed views on the film itself, it did stray quite a bit in the end from the source material, but I personally love it. It's a very dark movie. Not just for Cujo's turn into a monster but for the characters and relationships between them. Donna's son Tad is a sensitive boy and is terrified of monsters that he believes are hiding in his closet. The relationship between Donna and her husband Vic is strained. Vic is having trouble with his job in advertising and is trying to save his marriage with Donna.

Cujo is the dog of mechanic Joe, where the Trenton's take their car for repairs. This is where the bite on Cujo's nose (we see in the beginning of the film that he has been bitten by a bat) is noticed by Donna. We soon start seeing changes in Cujo's demeanor and shortly after the Trentons leave the mechanics home, Cujo attacks and kills both Joe and his neighbor.

Vic leaves town on business and Donna, along with Tad, go to Joe's house for more car repairs and are then attacked by Cujo. This is when Dee Wallace really gets to shine. Her performance as a parent trying to save herself and her son is so good. They are trapped in their car with Cujo continuously attacking the windows and anytime they think they have an opening to escape Cujo attacks. With no air in the car dehydration and heat stroke start to set in on Tad. Donna's efforts at trying to keep her son alive and keep Cujo at bay are riveting. The final standoff between Cujo and Donna, first involving a baseball bat (which she breaks hitting Cujo) and finally a revolver are my favorite moments in the movie just because of Dee's ferocity. She sucks you in with her portrayal of this character. It's difficult to watch as a dog lover and even more difficult to think that this is really what you would have to do if you were in this situation. Having to do an unthinkable thing like this to stay alive. It's the once lovable family pet turned rabid vs. you. It's their life or yours. I would hate to think of being in a situation like this, it is truly scary, and you see that terror brought to life by Dee Wallace. Just like last week's Karen Barclay, she's fighting for her and her son's lives. In the end they do make it but it's an intense finale. The first time watching this I literally was at the edge of my seat and just thought Dee was totally amazing.
Dee Wallace is a horror legend. She has been in so many horror films including The Hills Have Eyes, The Howling, Critters, Popcorn, Rob Zombie's Halloween, The House of the Devil, The Lords of Salem...and the list goes on. This is my favorite performance of hers. She makes you feel and care for her and want her and her son to pull through. Terrific performance from a terrific actress.
Well, that's it everybody! The end of Women in Horror Month!! I want to thank anybody that has taken the time to read my entries. I've really had so much fun with this and I'm already coming up with my list for the next one!!! As always, thank you so much for reading. Drop some feedback if you want, I'd love to hear thoughts. Every view is appreciated. Thanks so much and I'll be back soon with more posts about actors, actresses, movies, and anything else I can think of to talk about from the world of horror! xoxo, Spooky Stephie
Dee Wallace
Donna Trenton in Cujo

Cujo is the dog of mechanic Joe, where the Trenton's take their car for repairs. This is where the bite on Cujo's nose (we see in the beginning of the film that he has been bitten by a bat) is noticed by Donna. We soon start seeing changes in Cujo's demeanor and shortly after the Trentons leave the mechanics home, Cujo attacks and kills both Joe and his neighbor.

Well, that's it everybody! The end of Women in Horror Month!! I want to thank anybody that has taken the time to read my entries. I've really had so much fun with this and I'm already coming up with my list for the next one!!! As always, thank you so much for reading. Drop some feedback if you want, I'd love to hear thoughts. Every view is appreciated. Thanks so much and I'll be back soon with more posts about actors, actresses, movies, and anything else I can think of to talk about from the world of horror! xoxo, Spooky Stephie
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Women in Horror Month: Spooky Stephie's Choice #3 of 4
Spooky Stephie's Choice #3 of 4
Catherine Hicks
Karen Barclay in Child's Play
I love people who believe in the unbelievable. I also love characters who, despite the odds or how crazy they come across, not only believe in the unbelievable but fight to prove that the "unbelievable" is not only possible, but totally real. Karen Barclay is one of those characters.
I still think the original Child's Play is the best of the series. It's definitely the darkest and most dreary. It's also the one in which Chucky was truly 100% scary. Before the wise-cracks and the wife and the son (Bride of Chucky and Seed of Chucky were pretty much horror comedies) Chucky was a harmless looking doll that was 100% evil. It's no wonder Tom Holland jumped ship when the powers that be decided to bring Chucky back from the dead for sequels, which vary in quality, and weren't totally necessary. But they've made Chucky the Doll a horror icon none the less. Child's Play is still my favorite by far and actually one of the first horror films I was ever allowed to watch. I first saw it on television and it terrified me and it has retained it's impact, I still find it to be quite creepy and essential viewing for horror fans and one of the greatest starting points for someone just getting into the genre.
Catherine Hicks as an actress is most well-known as the mother in the long-running television series 7th Heaven these days. So much so that when I watched Child's Play for the first time since seeing it as a kid, I was actually surprised to see her name on the cover. Hey! The mom from 7th Heaven is in this! She plays a completely different kind of mom here. One of my favorite qualities in any person and/or movie character is the want to defend the people you love. She does this, defending her son not only from Chucky but from the people accusing him of Chucky's wrongdoings. It's easy to see how they would, even Karen herself has doubts...like who is going to believe a doll killed the babysitter? But when you know someone you love couldn't possibly be capable of such a thing, you'll do anything to defend them and prove they're innocent, especially your young son who has already lost his father and you know he's just a lost, scared, confused little boy.
After poor Andy is put in a mental hospital after being accused of yet another of Chucky's killings...Karen goes home and finds that Chucky has been talking and moving without batteries. The scene when he turns on her is one of my favorites. Now it's up to her to prove to cop on the case, Mike Norris, played by the always great horror staple Chris Sarandon. I wish Hicks would've taken on more roles in the horror genre, she really brings Karen to life. Whether it was a matter of choice or just the types of scripts being sent her way, I'm not sure, but she's terrific in this.
So after finally being able to bring the truth to light for cop Mike Norris, it's up to all three of them to get rid of Chucky once and for all. They manage to do so...but as we see in the follow-up, Child's Play 2, Andy ends up in foster care and Karen is in a mental hospital due to her support of Andy's story. Chucky is seemingly gone but there is no happy ending. Again, this is definitely a dark and dreary tale.
Karen Barclay is one of my favorite parents in a horror movie and Catherine Hicks deserves praise for bringing the character to life, giving a believable performance as Andy's supportive and surely scared and confused mom.
Thank you, as always, for your support of my blog. Again, I appreciate every view I get and always love feedback. Please come back next week for my final pick for this Women's Horror Month!! It's been so fun!! Thanks again!! xoxo, Spooky Stephie

Catherine Hicks
Karen Barclay in Child's Play
We're now into week 3 of Women in Horror Month. I've chosen the 80's as my decade and so far all of my choices have come from the slasher genre. The last two weeks I featured two Scream Queens: Danielle Harris as Jamie Lloyd in Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers and Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers; and Jill Schoelen as Stephanie Maine in The Stepfather. This week I've chosen someone not known for working in the horror genre but has a special place in the genre none the less, Catherine Hicks. As Karen Barclay in the original Child's Play, Hicks has earned herself a spot in horror history.

I've just been notified that Catherine was in another horror film! "Death Valley". I've never seen it but I need to now!! xoxo
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Women in Horror Month: Spooky Stephie's Choice #2 of 4
Spooky Stephie's Choice #2 of 4:
Jill Schoelen
Stephanie Maine in "The Stepfather"
It's Women in Horror Month and last week I told you that I and a few twitter friends have gotten together to showcase some of our favorites. I kicked my list off with Jamie Lloyd as portrayed by Scream Queen Danielle Harris in Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers and Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers. I'm continuing my list this week with another Scream Queen, Jill Schoelen, and her role as Stephanie Maine in the 1987 cult slasher film The Stepfather.
The Stepfather is a tough watch at times. Terry O'Quinn plays the title character, "Jerry", with such a chilling ferocity that even as a horror fan there are times his performance makes me cringe or look away. One scene in particular involving a poor unknowing Dr. (Stephanie's psychiatrist) and a piece of wood comes to mind. Another aspect of the film that is uncomfortable is his odd attachment to Stephanie. When it seems Stephanie is about to kiss a boy, he loses it. These scenes are unnerving in a different way.
Stephanie lost her father just a year before Jerry joins the family. He marries her mother and Stephanie is suspicious pretty much from the get go. Her suspicions lead her to eventually figure out who her stepfather really is and what he's done leading to a chilling final showdown.

At times it seems that Stephanie is the true object of Jerry's affection making the subject matter of the film even more unsettling. It is pretty much confirmed in the end when the final showdown leaves him laying on the floor with bullet and stab wounds, and all he does is stare at Stephanie and say "I love you".
As successful as O'Quinn is at selling the repulsiveness of his character, Schoelen is equally successful at selling the lonely, grieving, and confused Stephanie. When I first watched this film I was freshly grieving the death of my own father. When she talks about how bad she misses her dad, I feel that. She makes it believable that her character is really going through a deep loss. Particular scenes moved me to tears, she really brought the character to life. In the end when she had to fight for her and her mother's survival, she did what she needed to but in a believable way. This is a 16 year old girl thrown into a scary and just downright awful situation and prevailing. I love her portrayal of this character. The ability to bring a character to life, suck you in, and make you believe everything is really happening is something special and Jill Schoelen is a special actress. Severely underrated and deserving of far more praise.
She is deserving of the "Scream Queen" title because aside from The Stepfather she has also appeared in Cutting Class, Wes Craven's Chiller, When A Stranger Calls Back, Popcorn, and even starred opposite Robert Englund in The Phantom of the Opera. She has an impressive list of credits and this is my favorite role of hers.
Notable tidbit: Schoelen actually had nightmares for a week after filming the scene where O'Quinn chases her around the house. The nightmares were actually like a re-enactment of the scene!
So, everybody, there is my choice #2 of 4 for Women in Horror Month! Thank you again for reading and please check back in a week for my 3rd choice!! As always, I appreciate every view I get and any feedback!! Thanks again!! xoxo, Spooky Stephie
Jill Schoelen
Stephanie Maine in "The Stepfather"
It's Women in Horror Month and last week I told you that I and a few twitter friends have gotten together to showcase some of our favorites. I kicked my list off with Jamie Lloyd as portrayed by Scream Queen Danielle Harris in Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers and Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers. I'm continuing my list this week with another Scream Queen, Jill Schoelen, and her role as Stephanie Maine in the 1987 cult slasher film The Stepfather.
The Stepfather is a tough watch at times. Terry O'Quinn plays the title character, "Jerry", with such a chilling ferocity that even as a horror fan there are times his performance makes me cringe or look away. One scene in particular involving a poor unknowing Dr. (Stephanie's psychiatrist) and a piece of wood comes to mind. Another aspect of the film that is uncomfortable is his odd attachment to Stephanie. When it seems Stephanie is about to kiss a boy, he loses it. These scenes are unnerving in a different way.
Stephanie lost her father just a year before Jerry joins the family. He marries her mother and Stephanie is suspicious pretty much from the get go. Her suspicions lead her to eventually figure out who her stepfather really is and what he's done leading to a chilling final showdown.

At times it seems that Stephanie is the true object of Jerry's affection making the subject matter of the film even more unsettling. It is pretty much confirmed in the end when the final showdown leaves him laying on the floor with bullet and stab wounds, and all he does is stare at Stephanie and say "I love you".
She is deserving of the "Scream Queen" title because aside from The Stepfather she has also appeared in Cutting Class, Wes Craven's Chiller, When A Stranger Calls Back, Popcorn, and even starred opposite Robert Englund in The Phantom of the Opera. She has an impressive list of credits and this is my favorite role of hers.

So, everybody, there is my choice #2 of 4 for Women in Horror Month! Thank you again for reading and please check back in a week for my 3rd choice!! As always, I appreciate every view I get and any feedback!! Thanks again!! xoxo, Spooky Stephie
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Women In Horror Month: Spooky Stephie's Choice #1 of 4
Danielle Harris as "Jamie Lloyd"
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers and Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers

My first choice is Danielle Harris who played Jamie Lloyd in Halloween 4 and Halloween 5. I'm a big fan of Danielle's and she was so impressive as a child in these movies. She conveyed all of the appropriate emotions that you would see in a child like Jamie. She had to be able to convincingly portray a grief stricken, terrified, and (in Halloween 5) mute (due to psychological trauma) young girl, and she did it amazingly well. The perfect casting choice was made and it pushed Danielle to pursue a career in horror film. These were the first movies I ever saw her in and they made me a huge fan.
Jamie Lloyd is Laurie Strode's (Jamie Lee Curtis) daughter. Laurie Strode was one of the two main protagonists in the first two Halloween films. Jamie was said to have lost both of her parents and is now living with a foster family in Haddonfield. Since Laurie was Michael's sister, Jamie is his niece. She is aware of who Michael is and so are her classmates, which doesn't make things any easier for her. When she is taken by her foster sister to buy a Halloween costume, she chooses the exact costume that Michael wore when he killed his sister, as we saw back in the first film. She also has nightmares about Michael and even sees him in the store where she buys her costume, not realizing that's who he is. In the end, after a night of being terrorized by Michael, she is returned safely home where she suffers what seems to be a psychotic break leading into the next film.... Halloween 5 sees Jamie in a children's hospital, rendered mute due to psychological trauma after the events in Halloween 4. She now also seems to share a telepathic connection with her uncle. She eventually breaks free of her mute state with the help of Dr. Loomis (Donald Pleasence) and the two set up a trap for Michael in his childhood home. He is taken in by the police but, in the end, when it seems Jamie is safe, Michael breaks free again, leaving Jamie crying in horror.

Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers and Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers

February is Women in Horror Month and some of my fellow horror fans and I are celebrating by choosing 4 of our favorite women in horror and sharing our love through our twitter and instagram pages. I'd like to thank Bonnie Smith for bringing us all together for this and letting me join! This will be fun and I look forward to joining in more of these in the future!!
We have each chosen a decade and all of our choices come from that decade. I've chosen the 80's for my decade mostly because it was the decade for slashers. I'm a huge fan of the slasher sub-genre and (almost) all of my picks are from slasher films.

Everything about Danielle's performance is spot on to me. She went on to play Annie Brackett (who was originally played by Nancy Loomis) in Rob Zombie's 2007 re-make of the original Halloween. She is one of the greatest Scream Queens and horror legends ever in my opinion and Jamie Lloyd is still my favorite character and performance of hers. This is why she is my #1 choice for this year's Women in Horror month.

I'd like to thank anyone who took the time to read this and please check out everyone else's choices through our twitter pages or instagram!! Meet me back here in one week to see my next choice!! As always, thank you for checking out my blog!! xoxo, Spooky Stephie
Monday, November 2, 2015
Scream Queen Feature On: Linnea Quigley
Scream Queen Feature: LINNEA QUIGLEY
Linnea Barbara Quigley was born on May 27, 1958 in Davenport, Iowa. She is a model, author, singer, producer, and most well known as an actress. She has been given the nickname "Queen of the B's" for her long career in b-movies. She is also a well known Scream Queen as much of her filmography consists of horror films.
Linnea moved to California in the 70's where she worked at a health spa. While there, her friends encouraged her to pursue modeling. It was around this time that she began taking acting classes and guitar lessons. She appeared as an extra in several films before landing her first acting role in the Charles Band produced "Fairy Tales" in 1978. Her first big role was in 1981's slasher film Graduation Day. She followed that up with Savage Streets co-starring fellow Scream Queen Linda Blair and the highly controversial slasher Silent Night, Deadly Night.
Her status as a horror icon was cemented in 1985 when she took on the role of "Trash" in the cult classic zombie horror film "The Return of the Living Dead". Throughout the rest of the 80's she appeared in several low budget horror films and also starred in the first two Vice Academy comedy films.
Linnea also sings and plays guitar. She formed a band called The Skirts in the early 80's. She has also written three books, two of them autobiographical about her life as a horror icon.

I love the spirit that Linnea brings to all of her roles. She's a joy to watch on screen. She has an obvious love for what she does that shines through in every performance. Her personality comes through in every photo you see of her. She's relatable to me in that she was very shy when she was younger, her words: "I was so shy. I didn't move my mouth, didn't sing in glee club or anything like that, didn't do any plays. I was terribly, terribly shy".
I've always been that way myself but yet I've always had this wild urge to break free of it. I've always felt that I'm a very different person inside than what I've shown the world on the outside. Linnea has shown that it is possible to break free and show the world your true self without hesitation and with unflinching spirit and ferocity. She's a special presence in horror and is 100% deserving of her icon status.
Thanks for reading and check out the various links below for more Linnea! xoxo, Spooky Stephie :)
Linnea's official website: https://www.linnea-quigley.com
Linnea's official twitter: https://twitter.com/LinneaQuigley
Linnea's official instagram: LINNEAQUIGLEY
Linnea's official facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialLinneaQuigley/

Linnea Barbara Quigley was born on May 27, 1958 in Davenport, Iowa. She is a model, author, singer, producer, and most well known as an actress. She has been given the nickname "Queen of the B's" for her long career in b-movies. She is also a well known Scream Queen as much of her filmography consists of horror films.

Her status as a horror icon was cemented in 1985 when she took on the role of "Trash" in the cult classic zombie horror film "The Return of the Living Dead". Throughout the rest of the 80's she appeared in several low budget horror films and also starred in the first two Vice Academy comedy films.
Linnea also sings and plays guitar. She formed a band called The Skirts in the early 80's. She has also written three books, two of them autobiographical about her life as a horror icon.

I love the spirit that Linnea brings to all of her roles. She's a joy to watch on screen. She has an obvious love for what she does that shines through in every performance. Her personality comes through in every photo you see of her. She's relatable to me in that she was very shy when she was younger, her words: "I was so shy. I didn't move my mouth, didn't sing in glee club or anything like that, didn't do any plays. I was terribly, terribly shy".
I've always been that way myself but yet I've always had this wild urge to break free of it. I've always felt that I'm a very different person inside than what I've shown the world on the outside. Linnea has shown that it is possible to break free and show the world your true self without hesitation and with unflinching spirit and ferocity. She's a special presence in horror and is 100% deserving of her icon status.
Thanks for reading and check out the various links below for more Linnea! xoxo, Spooky Stephie :)
Linnea's official website: https://www.linnea-quigley.com
Linnea's official twitter: https://twitter.com/LinneaQuigley
Linnea's official instagram: LINNEAQUIGLEY
Linnea's official facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialLinneaQuigley/

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Hail To The King, Baby...
Spotlight On: Groovy Bruce...aka...BRUCE CAMPBELL....aka...The King...aka...One-Armed Chainsaw-Wielding Bad-Ass...AKA THE CHIN
This post is very special. I LOVE Bruce Campbell. LOVE. I'm a huge fan of his. So much so that I named my baby, my schnauzer boy, Bruce. I had that name picked out 3 months before I even got him. As soon as I saw him I knew he was a perfect Bruce. I even dressed him in an Army of Darkness t-shirt for his namesake's birthday this year. Bruce Campbell's birthday is an event at my house and I'm not the only one who feels that way. I have made Bruce Campbell fan friends on twitter, facebook, and pinterest. We all celebrate by posting pics like mine, writing messages, drawing or painting portraits of our king, and some even make amazing looking cakes in honor of Groovy Bruce.

Bruce has had a long career since his beginnings making home movies with high school friends. The original Evil Dead premiered in 1981 to rave reviews including an endorsement by none other than the King of horror himself Stephen King. He has appeared in many horror and sci-fi b-movies including Crimewave, Moontrap, and Maniac Cop, more mainstream films like Congo, Escape from L.A., and Sam Raimi's Spiderman franchise, leading roles in tv series like Burn Notice, Brisco County Jr., and Jack of All Trades, and has also done voice acting. He wrote his autobiography which was published in 2002 - "If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor" - which is terrific and so funny. He also wrote an original novel called Make Love! The Bruce Campbell Way which was released in 2005. Currently, he's working on the Ash vs. Evil Dead tv series, hosting a horror themed game show, and has started hosting his own horror convention in Chicago.

I love Bruce for more than his roles in his films. He's a good man in real life. A devoted husband and father. He loves his family, loves his friends, and loves his fans. He has a terrific sense of humor and is so down-to-earth he could be your best friend next door. He works hard and he's my kind of bad-ass. Never caring what the mainstream thinks and totally embracing his b-movie icon status. I love that he's such a nice person. Gotta love his style too. Always stylin'. My favorite role is for sure Ash from the Evil Dead films. Cannot wait for Ash vs. Evil Dead. I really can never say enough great things about Bruce. I'm looking forward to everything he has in store for us. He's at the top of my list of people I'd love to meet. Him and Dave Grohl. If they were in the same room my head would explode!

This post is very special. I LOVE Bruce Campbell. LOVE. I'm a huge fan of his. So much so that I named my baby, my schnauzer boy, Bruce. I had that name picked out 3 months before I even got him. As soon as I saw him I knew he was a perfect Bruce. I even dressed him in an Army of Darkness t-shirt for his namesake's birthday this year. Bruce Campbell's birthday is an event at my house and I'm not the only one who feels that way. I have made Bruce Campbell fan friends on twitter, facebook, and pinterest. We all celebrate by posting pics like mine, writing messages, drawing or painting portraits of our king, and some even make amazing looking cakes in honor of Groovy Bruce.
A little background on Mr. Campbell before delving into my favorite roles and favorite things about Ash himself. Born Bruce Lorne Campbell in Royal Oak, Michigan on June 22, 1958, he is the younger of two brothers and also has an older half brother. He got into acting as a teenager and around that time started making Super 8 movies with friends including Sam Raimi. After high school he attended Western Michigan University where he continued to work on his acting career. He and Sam Raimi also continued working together, collaborating on a 30 minute Super 8 version of what would become the first Evil Dead film - Within the Woods.

So, any fellow Dead-ites reading, I'm sure you're already following Groovy Bruce on twitter. Anyone who isn't ... follow him here: https://twitter.com/GroovyBruce Always fun!! There's also a fun Ash4President campaign going on! Do your duty and vote you primitive screwheads!
P.S. I have to leave this here - the promo for Bruce's appearance on The X-Files!!! One of my favorites!!!
P.S.S. Foo Fighters video for "Everlong" inspired by Evil Dead!! WOOT.
And, as always, thanks for reading! xoxo, Spooky Steph

Always stylin'!!!
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